Author Archives: ASAA admin

ASAA to Announce New Board & Launch Natural Stone Design Manual at AGM

The ASAA AGM will take place at Rydges Hotel, 9 Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW 2050 on Monday 31st January 2011.

Members are invited to attend at 5pm. The new board will be announced and finances/new initiatives will be discussed.

At 6.30pm following the AGM, members and non members are invited to attend a review of the new ASAA Natural Stone Design Manual, presented by Director Jim Mann. Copies will be available for purchase by members and non members.

There is no charge for attendance and attendees will receive a complimentary glass of wine or beer.

To confirm your attendance, contact Victoria Philbert at by January 24th 2011.

ASAA Launches Natural Stone Design Manual

ASAA manual LRWhen ASAA was launched in 2004 the Right Honourable Joe Hockey MP officially welcomed the formation of “An association which would represent the broad interests of the stone industry”.

ASAA is delighted to announce the release of the ASAA Natural Stone Design Manual, which is based on a publication produced by the Marble Institute of America (MIA). The contents of the ASAA manual have been extensively modified for local consumption, with MIA approval.

Architects and ASAA members can purchase the manual for $165 inc. GST. Non-members can buy the manual for $330. Purchasers also receive a CD.

The manual contains information on the geology of stone, standards & specifications, stone selection, testing and individual chapters on popular stone products. Installation, sealing, cleaning, maintenance, restoration and slip resistance issues are covered extensively.

To join ASAA or purchase a manual call Victoria Philbert on 03 9888 3587 or email We accept payment by Mastercard and VISA. Licensed copies will be delivered by courier, allow 7 working days. Price includes GST and delivery.

ACCC Issues Health Warning on Asbestos in Wall Tiles

THE consumer watchdog has issued a warning about wall tiles containing asbestos that have been sold in Australia.

The tiles, which were imported from China, contain tremolite asbestos, a prohibited hazardous substance, the Australian Competitor and Consumer Commission (ACCC) said today.

While most of the product had been withdrawn, there were fears that some tiles were still available on the market or may already have been installed, the ACCC said.

The tiles are sold under the brand name Snow White and are described as bright white in colour with a quartz-like appearance.

They are made up of a number of pieces glued together to give the appearance of stacked stone.

“The ACCC is working closely with the Customs and Border Protection Service and WorkCover authorities to identify any other sources of the product in the market and to have them withdrawn,” the ACCC said.

NSW WorkCover is advising consumers who may already have the product installed to isolate the area until the tiles have been removed by a licensed asbestos removalist and the area cleared by an occupational hygienist.

Consumers and tradespeople who suspect they have installed Snow White tiles should contact the supplier and NSW WorkCover.

More information can be found at

Important Note from ASAA

The Directors will hold a meeting on January 20 at the premises of Ocean + Merchant in NSW to discuss the status of the ‘ASAA Stone Design Manual’.

Your membership of ASAA will provide funds for development of this important publication which will be promoted to specifiers/industry as a prime information resource.

The ABC are re-running the edition of Landline which featured a report in farmers quarrying stone. The segment will appear in a‘Best of Landline’ show on January 24.

We wish all ASAA members and industry participants a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.