ASAA Natural Stone Manual

The directors also agreed to invite Garry Phillips of Slique Pty Ltd to join the board. We are delighted to confirm that Garry has accepted a position on the board. Garry’s impartiality and comprehensive knowledge of sealing and maintenance will assist in the production of the “ASAA Natural Stone Manual”.

The new board is:

– Ian Lamble (Melocco Stone)
– Anthony Stock (Australian Tile Publications)
– Jim Mann (Stone Initiatives & Materials Testing)
– Emina Micevski (RMS Natural Stone & Ceramics)
– Richard Mackenzie (Ocean + Merchant)
– Rolf Offerhaus (Ardex Australia)
– Garry Phillips (Slique Pty Ltd)

The proposed ‘ASAA Natural Stone Manual’ will be promoted extensively to design/construct specialists and members of industry via a series of press releases to leading architectural journals, in the pages of Discovering Stone and Tile Today magazines and on the ASAA website which currently averages more than 40,000 hits per month.

It is envisaged that the ‘ASAA Manual’ will become the premier guide to selection and installation of stone.

Eight months ago ASAA provided partial funding for development of AS 3958.3 which has been on the drawing board for many years. Since ASAA’s involvement ASAA director Jim Mann and the BD 44 committee have produced an extensive working document which may prove useful in terms of producing the ‘ASAA Manual’.

The proposed manual will be partially based on the Marble Institute of America (MIA) ‘Dimension Stone Design Manual’. Under an earlier agreement MIA kindly consented to allow ASAA to reproduce their materials (modified for local consumption) provided the Australian material referenced the original MIA material. ASAA has already published a ‘Residential Stone Countertop Guide’ based on the original MIA guide.

The ASAA board voted to abandon its support for AS 3958.3 in favour of producing the proposed manual. This strategy will allow ASAA to actively promote the ‘Manual’ and derive revenue from its sale, which will in turn provide funds for further promotional activities.

The following individuals will modify existing MIA material and add relevant local content. The board is pleased to confirm that each member has agreed to participate in full.

– Ian Lamble (ASAA Director)
– Jim Mann (ASAA Director)
– Rolf Offerhaus (ASAA Director)
– Garry Phillips (ASAA Director)
– Carl Strautins (ASAA Member)
– Colin Cass (ASAA Member)

The next meeting of the board of directors will be held at 2pm at Ocean + Merchant’s offices located at 2 Ralph Street, Alexandria on Tuesday December 15.