ASAA sealing and mantenance guide

ASAA-Stone-Mantainence-Sealer-Guide_Page_01The free 10-page guide comprises generic information sourced from several publications produced by the Marble Institute of America (MIA) which have been modified to suit local practices. The new ASAA guide has been peer reviewed by a number of leading industry practitioners.

Many of the calls received at ASAA headquarters relate to aspects of sealing and maintenance. The new guide is designed to encourage correct classification of the chosen natural stone product before installation takes place. It encourages readers to consider which type of sealer will be effective in specific environments, while imparting general guidance about the avoidance of etching and staining, and the solving of any problems that arise.

All the relevant dos and don’ts are highlighted. Over 7000 copies of ‘Sealing and maintaining natural stone’ have been emailed to leading specifiers and industry practitioners.